The recent increase in remote work made many companies realize that tasks could be performed just as efficiently from home, if not more so. Large, open-plan offices, in particular, saw a dramatic drop in occupancy rates. Companies downsized their physical footprints, leading to an oversupply of mid-tier and lower-tier office spaces.
Read MoreThe Rise of Prime Office Buildings and How XSpace Offers a
Superior Alternative
A recent article by CBRE highlights a fascinating trend in the U.S. office market: a mere 8% of office buildings are capturing nearly all tenant activity. These buildings, known as "prime buildings," are distinguished by their superior quality and amenities, making them highly desirable in the market. As companies seek to relocate to the best spaces available, a new class of prime buildings has emerged, characterized by high design standards, modern amenities, and often, unique features such as outdoor spaces or terraces.
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